As children have winter breaks there are many opportunities to capture great family time! After so much time at home, it is always good to mix it up and have some fun…intentionally!! So here are four ideas to make the most of your family time together and have a fun winter staycation during lockdowns.
- Plan a Game Night
Schedule a family game night. Serve your favorite snacks and prepare dinner in the slow cooker to keep things easy. Have everyone turn off their devices and pull out your favorite board games. This compels everyone to remain present and focused on time together as a family.
Here are a few games that are a hit with families:
Apples to Apples, Tenzi, Watch Ya Mouth, Secret Hitler, Exploding Kittens
- Head to the Library
Head to the library as a family and each member check out a book. If your local library isn’t open to browse, you can usually check out books online for pick up! Have a reading night and prepare some hot cocoa with fixings for everyone to enjoy while each share about the book they chose and why. Let everyone participate!
- Review the past year with Gratitude
Tell your children what you were most grateful for this past year and encourage them to share the same. A staycation is a great opportunity to ponder and appreciate all of the blessings in your life.
- Ice cream for everyone!
Because when on vacation everyone needs some ice cream! Head to your favorite local ice cream spot or create your own ice cream sundae bar at home!! Have fun with it.

- Have a family Movie Night
Pop some popcorn, bake some yummy Chex mix and find a fun family movie everyone can watch. Put some throw pillows and sleeping bags on the floor like a campout.
And last but not least parents avoid the temptation to work. It may be tempting to want to get ahead but allow your focus to remain on restoration and family. You can get back to work soon enough!